Wednesday 10 February 2016

Must Read!! 3 Signs That Shows You May Never Be Successful In Life

One of the basic goals of man on earth aside survival is to be a success or rather to become successful.

Success or been successful can be described as achieving of results wanted or hoped for; this may include getting things done, achieving varying goals and positions in the society.

To be a success is one drive every man has and actualizing success most times is a lifelong goal for every individual on earth.

In the midst of the basic drive for success, we still have breeds and handful of underachievers and unsuccessful individuals.

They keep failing and going in cycles. These are attributes most people will say are dependent on a lot of uncontrollable factors like spirituality, moral standing …

Inasmuch as we cannot rule those factors out, there are others we need to look out for.

Success cannot be measured but it can be deduced and invariably be dependent on some activities and behavioral traits we don’t really give much importance and values to.

Signs to know you will never be Successful in life

This will go on to show you what you need to know about hindrances you are facing towards your ability to be a success in life and i advise that you read objectively:


The very first sign you should look out for in your quest for success is how decisive and independent you are.

Can you make drastic decisions without seeking the consent and validation of others?

Are you still dependent on parents, friends etc. for your daily survival?

Making decisions are the litmus test that shows your readiness and maturity as a man who will be a potential success and a decreased level of dependence on others (parents, friends, partner, spouse etc.) for survival really shows that you are on of a kind and also on the right course.

Been able to call the shots and making decisions on your own most times coupled with your independence will go a long way to tell the world of your arrival, but if negative, well you will never find it easy becoming a success!


A goal is more like an aim or purpose that you drive towards to actualize your aspirations of been a success.

Having no goal is as good as living a purposeless life because you will not also be privy to make great plans.

3 signs that shows you will never be successful in life!

Planning is really important to your general quest for success, a popular saying goes thus “he who fails to plan, plans to fail”.

Setting plans is more like putting up structures and landmarks that will guide you to an inevitable success.

Planning is important because without a set down pattern to follow to achieving your goals, you are definitely going to remain a complete failure and success will be very far from your reach.


The idea of social interaction is cemented on your relationship with others and how well you can tailor and adapt yourself to the current trend and opinions of others.

It is ideal to be worried and concerned about how people see you and regard, it is even more great to know there opinion of you, but this can also be your greatest undoing.

People will always talk and not everyone will like you, but the moment you realize it is your life you are living and not theirs, then it is imperative to know that they are not really supposed to tell you how to live your life.

Constantly seeking validation and approval from others by trying to act to their requirements and request will do you a greater harm in your quest for success.

I will advise that you listen more but act your best without trying to please everyone, otherwise, you will just be the next in number amongst the most underachieved and unsuccessful people on earth!

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